Paying Kindness Forward.
Brittany Beckmann Bakery - Paying Kindness Forward
Brittany Beckmann | August 19, 1990 – August 25, 2014.
Brittany forged a courageous battle against leukemia for many years. In 2007 Brittany was the R4 Patient Fund Beneficiary. Every year since, Brittany and her entire family have been ‘paying kindness forward’ by volunteering at the R4.
From the hearts of those who loved Brittany, the concept of the Brittany Beckmann Bakery popped-up! The bakery, which you can only visit at certain charitable events around the region, has treats that rival any professional bakery. What gives them their most delicious taste is that they were made with love for Brittany and all the patients who are fighting to get well. The talented and mission-driven bakers donate not only their time, but their costs. 100% of all sales are contributed to the Trevor Loughlin Foundation.
Wherever you find the BBB, please know that 100% of funds raised are donated to the charity they are supporting. Why certain charities? Because these charities helped Brittany and her family when she was ill, and this is their way of ‘paying kindness forward.’
Brittany helped the R4 deliver the message that more needs to be done to wage this war against blood cancer. One look at Brittany’s beautiful smile is all it takes to understand the R4’s mission. Brittany Marie Beckmann died August 25, 2014. She was 24.
Bring $ or credit card to buy these delicious treats. They make great father’s day gifts!